River Country Co-op Eau Claire Cenex convenience store, otherwise known as the Eau Claire Travel Center, is conveniently located just off Highway 29 and County Highway T. The Eau Claire Travel Center is open 24 hours a day to be your one stop shop for all of your needs. With everything from food, gifts, 24 hour tanning and more, you’ll never find yourself empty-handed again.
Open 24 Hours
Phone: (715) 874-0290Amenities: ATM | Fax | Copier
5924 33rd Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Services Include:
- Private Showers
- Laundry Facilities
- Propane Fill & Exchange
- Deer Corn
- Oils and Lubricants
- DMV Renewal
- Tanning Booths
- Trend Setters Hair Salon
- Sleep Inn & Suites Conference Center
- Wisconsin Lottery
- Groceries
- Beer
- Coffee & Soda
- Pizza & Deli
- Clothing & Apparel
- Arcade & Truckers Lounge
- Action Fireworks
- 29 Pines Family Restaurant
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
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